Key Economic Drivers and Businesses

Ball State  | The Village | Areo-Ontario Forge | Businesses Outside of the Village and Innovation Connection

Industry and business influence the Riverside-Normal City (RNC) neighborhood, sandwiched between Muncie’s downtown area and Ball State University, in profound ways. Before several factories left Muncie, the RNC neighborhood was home to the Ontario Corporation, where several residents worked. Today a diverse range of businesses including Innovation Connector, Whitinger & Company, and IU Health, collectively known as the Ontario Place, are associated with the neighborhood. The RNC also connects to Ball State University, with The Village serving as a bridge between the two communities. The Village, Ball State, and Ontario Place affected the interactions in the neighborhood and changed with the neighborhood.

These pages delve into the individual histories of neighborhood business landmarks such as Ontario Corporation factory, Ontario Place, the Village, and Ball State University. We also examine the various influences and affects of business and industry in the RNC. Our interviews with residents, archival research, and participant observations all add to the evolving story of the RNC neighborhood.